Monday, September 13, 2010

Wheat and "white wheat" bread - Are they comparable?

I love to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

I have been very skeptical of the new "white wheat" bread. Honestly, I believed it was a scam. I was convinced that marketers were trying to make naive people buy something that had no more nutritional value than white bread. So, I have never purchased it. However, in a class I am currently enrolled in, the question came up: Is white wheat bread as nutritious as wheat bread? So, our professor did some research and this is what she found:

"After a little research on white wheat bread, I am pleasantly surprised by my findings. I am including resources that I found particularly helpful at the end of this post.

As we discussed in a previous post, white regular white bread is made with refined grains, which go through a rigorous process that strips out particular (healthful) parts of the grain. But, white whole-wheat bread, just like regular whole-wheat bread, is made with the whole grain.

The differences in the type of grain that is used. White whole-wheat bread is made with an "albino" variety of wheat, which is obviously lighter in color and has a sweeter flavor. Pretty cool, eh?! According to Katherine Zeratsky, an RD that answers questions on the Mayo Clinic website, when it comes to grocery shopping and reading those Nutrition Labels, look for bread products that list the "whole" grains as the first ingredient (whole wheat or white whole wheat). Zeratsky says, "If the label doesn't say "whole" first, it isn't a whole-grain product."

Also important, according to my reading from the Wheat Foods Council, regular whole wheat and white whole wheat are nutritionally equivalent! I think this is a great option for families with children who don't care for the taste of (red grain) whole wheat bread."

Happy grocery shopping, everyone. :-)

Weise, E. Website. 2005. Health and Behavior: "White Wheat: Best thing since..."

Zeratsky, K. Website. 2008. Nutrition and Healthy Eating Q and A. "White whole-wheat bread: is it nutritious?"

"Grains of truth about white wheat." 2010. Wheat Foods Council.

Special reference to Professor Sara Police. Thank you to my Professor for her research, and clarifying this for us all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cardiovascular disease and nutrition

My goal is to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

Cardiovascular Disease

Although cardiovascular disease is easier to prevent than cure, there are some steps that an adult can take in order to help lower their risk and side effects.

First, an individual with cardiovascular disease needs to monitor the type of fat they are eating. Fish or skinless poultry is ideal for low-fat meat. The key is to also cook it in a low-fat way. Low-fat is only good if it is a healthy fat. Avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated ...) and cook in olive oil or canola oil. This will help lower the fat content, and provide healthy fats which can help lower cholesterol and improve their overall health.

Secondly, the individual should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Try to avoid canned foods as much as possible. Find fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables in order to prevent ingesting additives and extra salt. Add fresh fruit to a salad, or add vegetables to a pasta or casserole. Try to eat a wide variety of color and type of fruit and vegetables. The minerals and vitamins found in fruit and vegetables will increase overall health. Another perk is that they are low in calories and will help fill you up, preventing binging on foods that are not so healthy. Finally, they also have fiber, which is great for heart health.

The third tip for a cardiovascular patient is to monitor the salt intake, and add high fiber whole grain foods. Lower salt intake will help blood pressure to remain at a healthy level. The whole grains help clean out the arteries, removing build-up from cholesterol and fats that have been eaten since childhood.

If a cardiovascular patient can adhere to these simple rules, they will be on their way to feeling healthier and living longer. These rules will help clear out their system, control their disease, and strengthen their body.

Cathi Ortiz

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2010). Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease. Retrieved September 9, 2010 from

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I will b starting a new journey:text message blogging! I still feel this is more of a journal for me, but i will keep writing nonetheless

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where to begin?

I love to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

So many people get stuck with the ultimate question when it comes to healthy habits: "Where to begin?" A healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming. The changes that are necessary to get to a healthy lifestyle can be even more overwhelming. So where should we begin?

First of all, start small. If you try to change it all overnight, you will get burned out, frustrated, and feel like success will never come. Your healthy lifestyle is realistic, and attainable. It will take dedication and some hard work, but you can get there! I promise you that you will feel better and have more energy when you keep working, one step at a time!

Step one: Find one thing that you can stick to - such as a calorie limit, or drinking more water. Make that one thing a habit - this takes 3 weeks of consistency.

Step two: Pick a new thing to focus on, and repeat the process in step one.

Step three: repeat step two, etc.

I think you get the point. You need to start small. Pick the one thing that you feel is a big step, but is attainable. Once you have changed that habit, you will find that you can continue down the road to a healthier you.

~ Cathi

Monday, May 3, 2010

Are you eating a balanced diet?

I love to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

How can you determine if you are eating a balanced diet? There is so much information bombarding us constantly about what we should or should not eat. The truth is, it comes back to the basics. The food pyramid is based on science and data that is updated and revised constantly. This has been the main source of information on a balanced diet for many years. There are additional food pyramids for specific ethnic groups and ages. You can use this website to track what you are eating, and see where you might be deficient.

Did you know the food pyramid now includes exercise? That's right! You need exercise every day. For most people, this is just a simple walk for 20-30 minutes. Find something you can enjoy that will get your heart beating between 100-120 beats per minute for 20-30 minutes. This will increase your energy, promote emotional health, and improve your overall health!

Questions or comments, please reply! I will be sure to get back with you by the end of the week.
~ Cathi ~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New blg, new Ideas

I love to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

I am starting something new. I have been using this blog as my "journal", but I would really like to share what I am learning. I have a lot of ideas and tips for anyone willing to work on their health. I am a nutrition major, and I am still working on trying to be healthier. This is not just a weight-loss blog; it is also for anyone who wants to manage their weight to not gain. It is for anyone willing to try to eat healthier and try new ideas for healthy lifestyles. Follow the blog to get frequent tips and updates!

I look forward to helping you in any way that I can! To a healthier you!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Exhausted and excited

I have been working for the past 3 hours on my school work. My goal was to finish everything so that I could have Sunday off. I have met my goal. Now I have excitement to be blessed with. My sister is coming on Monday! This is precisely why I wanted my homework done. Now I can enjoy her and her family for the week. I am so blessed by her willingness to come and be with us for the week. I am loved an blessed!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things kids say

Kids have a way of saying things that you want to remember forever. I will watch my kids sometimes, just hoping the memory will stick forever. For example, yesterday Kassandra was playing with 2 stuffed animals, and her leapfrog math desk. Apparently the math desk was a laptop for a doctor. Mr. Mouse was there to see the doctor (Kassandra) and they were arguing over whether his sister could have the same name as her or not. It was so cute. She was just playing so well by herself, and I wanted to grab the video camera, but I knew she would stop.

The cutest one lately was this: Kassandra was trying to determine which barrette she wanted in her hair that day. Thanks to my Mom, she has many choices! = ) So, she lined up 15 different barrettes and asked which one I thought she should wear. I picked one, and she pulled it out of the line up, and set it aside. We did this two more times. At this point she looked at me while pointing to the 3 who were facing the original line-up, and told me, "This is the audience". "Ok," I said. I was not sure what they were watching, but I did not argue. She then picked up one of the other barrettes and said, "I want to be an audient, I want to be an audient! Pick me!" It was hysterical! She has figured out that you add "s" to make a word plural. So apparently when you are watching something alone, or you want to join a group, you are an "audient". It is only when there is more than one that you have an "audients". = )

Kids say the cutest things! I will be posting more soon!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back to work again

I have had two blissful weeks off now. I am back to work Wednesday, with 3 classes this term instead of the typical 2. If it goes well, I will continue to do that so I can finish my degree in a little over a year, instead of nearly 2 years. I am hoping and praying that works. I need a shorter goal to shoot for than 2 years - that is too far off and I am afraid I will lose my drive and focus. Right now I am maintaining a 4.0, which is something I am very proud of. However, I am afraid that will start to slip if I become discouraged. I need to stay focused. This is a goal that I do not want to let go of again. Still, there are so many things to do. All of my "if only's" are getting me nowhere, so I tread on. I continue working and doing all I can, hoping it will get me where I want to be. I strive to be content where I am, and that is sometimes difficult. Am I alone in this? I don't think so. I see people all around me who are hurting, and wanting something more. I yearn for God to move in a powerful way. I desire to feel Him and see Him and hear Him speak. I crave His presence. Lord, fall on me!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In need of some parenting advice

We have a 4-year old daughter, named Kassandra. Kassandra has been a challenge since she was probably 6 months old. The biggest challenge we have yet to tackle is putting things in her mouth. Yes, she is really 4. Yes, she really does still put things in her mouth. Now that we have that cleared up, I need some ideas. We have tried giving her lemon juice, hot sauce, or vinegar when she puts something in her mouth that does not belong there. She will still chew on toys, destroy bouncy balls, eat crayons and markers, along with a variety of other things. Before today I had called poison control three times for things she had eaten. Today I called them two more times. It seems that we have bad days and good days, like any child I suppose. Obviously the putting "nasty stuff" in her mouth is not getting the point across. We have sent her to bed, put her in time out, and spanked (I know this is controversial). So, any ideas that you may have are greatly appreciated! We have always watched her closely, but watching her 24 hours a day is not possible. Do you have any great thoughts to share? If so, please reply! I welcome your thoughts and ideas.

~ Cathi ~

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crazy Oklahoma

Last week I was enjoying beautiful sunshine, and warm days. We opened up the windows in the afternoon almost every day while the kids played outside. Wednesday was 68 degrees! Thursday we were hit by a nasty winter storm and we lost power that evening. Friday morning we began the mundane task of moving a family of 6, plus a dog, to someone else's house. We were very grateful for a pool house for the following few days while we were without power. The electric company anticipated we would not have power back until Wednesday! As my husband left the house again after picking up a few more items, he noticed that the traffic light down the street came back on. He turned around and, sure enough, power was back on. However, I had plans for the night and needed to leave before we could move back home. Did I mention that while my husband was gone our dog was attacked by our friend's dogs? Oh yes, the story goes on...

So, I went out for my girls' night and froze through a movie since they neglected to tell us that their power did not include heat. It was still fun, and a memory I will not soon forget. Saturday we began to pack up our family and dog again in order to move back home. By the time we got home and unpacked everything it was time for a birthday party. We left the house AGAIN, and while there our 1-year old started to run a fever. We left early to check how high Isaac's fever was; it was 103.5. I gave him tylenol, and headed to the ER.

Today we lost power once again. I was about ready to pack up the kids and head out when it came back on. Within half an hour my phone was ringing non-stop with all my friends warning me that we would be without water tonight. Supposedly they have to shut off our water because one treatment plant lost power Thursday, and the back-up generator died today. We are down to one water treatment plant, and that only supplies 25% of the city's water. So, perhaps I will get this "vacation" I am craving after all! We may be heading to OKC or Dallas tomorrow...only time will tell.

As for you, I hope you had a better weekend! Still, my chin is up and I am smiling. I am thanking God tonight for heat, water, and a warm bed. I am grateful for fresh food, my health, and our house. I am blessed to have friends who care, and a church to call family. I am blessed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Comments and future of my blog

At the beginning of my English Comp course, I had to set up this blog. I started out strong, responding to a couple of other students every week. At this point, I rarely respond to other students. I think that is due to the lack of responses on my own blog. Perhaps my attitude is all wrong. I have not received very much feedback on my blog, and often wonder if my professor is the only one reading. Hello, professor! In addition, the lack of comments makes me wonder if my writing is just too boring. I am not really sure what to write about most weeks, and I just write whatever comes to mind. It is always fun to see that someone replied to my blog so that I know people are actually reading it.

In spite of that, I think I will continue my blog. It is a great way to write about what is going on in my life, even if I am the only one who reads it. I enjoy the "journaling", and I enjoy looking at other people's blog as well. I will continue blogging, although I do not know for how long. I also am not sure how often I will write. Overall, I enjoyed this assignment and I will continue my blog, whether or not anyone reads it. It has become a journal just for me perhaps, but one that I will enjoy for years to come.
~ Cathi

Monday, January 25, 2010


At the end of February, I will be joining our youth group in a 30 hour famine to raise money for Haiti. All of the funds we raise will go to World Vision for their projects in Haiti. They had numerous child centers which have been damaged or destroyed, and they are estimating years of repair. You can sign up to sponsor me for my 30 hours of famine (no food at all!), and the money goes to children who need the help much more than I! Check it out here:


Friday, January 22, 2010

An easier week?

This week I am looking over my assignments and realizing that they seem fairly simple. This is great since I have to fly solo again this week. I will be a single mom from Sun-Fri next week. This is fairly typical for a military wife, but it is much more difficult when nearing the final term of school. I handled a month with my husband gone for last term, so I am sure that one week will be fine. I am just grateful to have a simpler week for school.

I have to say, I am grateful that God seemed to have worked this out this way. It seems that the weeks I need a break the most - that I am desperate for a break - I actually find one in some area. This week it will be in school. Previously I have found that break from youth work. Sometimes I have enjoyed a weekend or day away so that I have no "mommy responsibilities" to worry about. Regardless, I am enjoying whatever break I can find. For a mother of 4, and someone trying to do so much, breaks are always appreciated!

Speaking of breaks, I am going to go on a women's retreat at the ocean in North Carolina in March. The first weekend in March - it is a women's only weekend with plenty of time to relax, connect with friends, make new friends, and catch up on sleep! Feel free to ask me for more information - it is a nation-wide retreat, so everyone is invited! Maybe I will finally meet some of you there. = )


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Compassion - sponsor a child today!

New week, fresh start

Today feels like Monday. With the holiday yesterday, I didn't stick to our typical schedule. The kids enjoyed learning about astronauts, and eating astronaut ice cream. So, today I am on official crunch time. I have a ridiculous amount of reading in one class, and have to take a quiz when I finish. Then I have to go over my first draft one last time and turn it in.
So far, I have not had a lot of feedback on my outline from my first draft. I hope that it is good the way I have it. It is worth a lot of points for this class and that is semi-stressful. However, I have done a thorough job I believe. I have a great starting point for my paper. I will be expanding on it throughout the next few weeks, and I will edit and revise according to my professor's recommendations. I think it will be a good paper.
Now I am off to put the babies to bed before I really get to work. Hoping you all have a blessed week!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mid-term week

So I finished our "midterm" week on Tuesday. However, I feel like I am still in midterms this week. My oldest child had his 8th birthday yesterday, which meant I did not get any school work done. I have a lot of major assignments due this week, so today I am trying to focus wholeheartedly to finish them all on time. Tomorrow I will prep for my son's sleep-over. Then Sunday is out as well since we have church and Bible study. That leaves me with Monday and Tuesday to finish it all. So, I feel like I am stuck in midterms still!
That being said, I am still keeping my grades up. I have not yet turned anything in late, and I am confident that I can continue in that way. I am focused and driven. Are condensed classes more difficult? Absolutely! I have to finish everything for a typical semester in just 10 weeks. In addition, I need to maintain my priorities - and school is number 4 or 5. However, this keeps me going. I know that in just a few weeks I will be done with these classes and onto something new. I will take my week off and enjoy it to the fullest while I prep for the next class. I will continue with that term as I have this term - focused and driven. Knowing that I will finish a class in just over 2 months helps me keep my focus because I feel like I am moving ahead on my degree completion even faster than a typical semester. Really, this isn't true - but it provides the illusion of moving ahead quicker. This is fine by me, since I need all the encouragement I can get.
So, off I head to work on research and continue with homework. Sleep, shower, food - that can wait! Homework, here I come!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fitting School In

I have watned to finish my bachelor's degree ever since 2001, when I initially dropped out of college. I started out as a music major, mainly because I love music and love to sing. I didn't have a whole lot of interest in anything else at the time. Now here I am, 9 years later (I almost said 8!), and I am at the grind again. I have changed my direction completely and studying nutrition science. This is something I am passionate about. I have witnessed what happens to a person when they neglect nutrition, and it is something I want to avoid altogether. I hope to help other people avoid the pain I have seen by educating them on nutrition and healthy lifestyles as well.
This has not been an easy task. I home-school my own children, 2 of which are currently in school. I have a baby and toddler also. I co-run a youth group with my husband. Literally, I am just "fitting school in". I do not have the time to devote to it that I wish I had. It is often an added stress and time crunch. I am cutting back on my sleep in order to get everything accomplished in the hours I have in a day. This is a struggle, because I love to sleep.
However, in the past week I have seen how extreme things can become with a person who just doesn't care about nutrition. I have watched and prayed that ________ would not choose food over health. I leave that blank there because I do not wish to share who this person is. Still, I think this person will be choosing food, and continue to shorten their life and lower their quality of life. They are already so ill, and I wonder if they even think that it could change. I know it could, but it would take some drastic measures - ones I am not sure they are willing to take. So, I press on in my studies, hoping that I will be able to lead other people down a healthier path. I hope to use what I have seen to educate other people and warn them. Regardless of how difficult school is to finish right now, I will not quit because I want to make a difference for people in their long-term health.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here is our family! This will be our Christmas/New Years picture to send out to friends and family. Somehow I missed the Christmas cards this year, so I am behind. I do not think people will care too much anyway.
Miguel is our oldest, on the left. He will be 8 next week! I can not believe he is already 8 years old; time sure does fly!
I am holding our youngest - Isaac. He will turn one on the 25th. My husband, Gami, is holding Kassandra who just turned 4 at the beginning of December. Next to her is Kayla, who is 6 1/2 years old. We have taken family pictures similar to this every year for Christmas. It is fun to look back and see how much the kids have grown, and we all have changed. Last year I was almost 9 months pregnant in our photo! This is one of my favorite family photos to take every year and I am grateful this one turned out so nice!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kicking off 2010 with a BANG!

We returned home on Thursday from our travels to see family for Christmas. We finished wrapping presents so we could have our own family Christmas celebration on Jan. 1st, Friday morning. We started out like a typical Christmas morning, enjoying breakfast together and reading Luke chapter 2 together before opening presents. We had an enjoyable morning, even with a sick 11 month old!
Around noon I had a friend call me to ask for help. She is a runner, and was running through our neighborhood. She had a "friendly" rottweiler following her. He wasn't bothering her, but she is terrified of dogs. She walked up to a door to see if someone might know whose dog it was, but the rot tried to get through their door to attack their small dogs. She wondered if my husband or I could try to look to see if the dog had any tags so we could call someone. I ran outside to get my 6-year old into the house, who was in the front yard with our small dog. She got in, but the dog slipped back out as she tried to close the door. He ran up to play with the rottweiler, and quickly noticed his folly. He assumed the submissive display: ears down, head lowered, and very still and quiet. Then, it happened....the rottweiler attacked. He grabbed our dog by the rear and flipped him over. Thankfully I had been able to grab our dog's leash, so I was trying to pull him out from under the rot while kicking the rottweiler in the head as hard as I could. My friend was screaming "NO!" and yelled for my husband, who thought our daughter was still outside. He knew I was going out to help with a rot, and his heart sank. He rushed out, and passed our daughter on the way. He saw me fighting the dog, and knew the dog could turn and tear my leg off if he chose to. He came down and grabbed the dog's choke collar and started to pull him back. I grabbed our dog and ran him into the house. We all calmed down, and started to make phone calls. We monitored the dog, and kept all children and small pets indoors, warning our neighbors to do the same. The dog showed an aggressive behavior - this wasn't a "snap", he was just out for blood all the time! We called animal control, who informed us that it was a holiday and they couldn't come pick up the dog unless he'd attacked a human. Since we didn't want to traverse that road in order to get them to pick up the dog (duh!), we called the police. They made animal control drive out and pick up the dog.

All this excitement, you could say, and we are all still doing great. It was an interesting way to spend New Years Day, and our family Christmas. We were just so grateful that nobody was hurt, and our children didn't watch their new dog (that was a Christmas gift) be killed by another dog. Our dog, Razzle, made it through with one puncture wound, and multiple scrapes. He is on antibiotics and will pull through just fine, though he is traumatized and afraid of all dogs now. We will have to call upon some good friends to reintroduce him to dogs after he heals. Any takers? Let's just say that if you want to keep us away, owning a rottweiler is the way to do it!