Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cardiovascular disease and nutrition

My goal is to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

Cardiovascular Disease

Although cardiovascular disease is easier to prevent than cure, there are some steps that an adult can take in order to help lower their risk and side effects.

First, an individual with cardiovascular disease needs to monitor the type of fat they are eating. Fish or skinless poultry is ideal for low-fat meat. The key is to also cook it in a low-fat way. Low-fat is only good if it is a healthy fat. Avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated ...) and cook in olive oil or canola oil. This will help lower the fat content, and provide healthy fats which can help lower cholesterol and improve their overall health.

Secondly, the individual should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Try to avoid canned foods as much as possible. Find fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables in order to prevent ingesting additives and extra salt. Add fresh fruit to a salad, or add vegetables to a pasta or casserole. Try to eat a wide variety of color and type of fruit and vegetables. The minerals and vitamins found in fruit and vegetables will increase overall health. Another perk is that they are low in calories and will help fill you up, preventing binging on foods that are not so healthy. Finally, they also have fiber, which is great for heart health.

The third tip for a cardiovascular patient is to monitor the salt intake, and add high fiber whole grain foods. Lower salt intake will help blood pressure to remain at a healthy level. The whole grains help clean out the arteries, removing build-up from cholesterol and fats that have been eaten since childhood.

If a cardiovascular patient can adhere to these simple rules, they will be on their way to feeling healthier and living longer. These rules will help clear out their system, control their disease, and strengthen their body.

Cathi Ortiz

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2010). Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease. Retrieved September 9, 2010 from

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