Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where to begin?

I love to help you become healthier! Reply with questions, and if I cannot answer them, I will find someone who can!

So many people get stuck with the ultimate question when it comes to healthy habits: "Where to begin?" A healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming. The changes that are necessary to get to a healthy lifestyle can be even more overwhelming. So where should we begin?

First of all, start small. If you try to change it all overnight, you will get burned out, frustrated, and feel like success will never come. Your healthy lifestyle is realistic, and attainable. It will take dedication and some hard work, but you can get there! I promise you that you will feel better and have more energy when you keep working, one step at a time!

Step one: Find one thing that you can stick to - such as a calorie limit, or drinking more water. Make that one thing a habit - this takes 3 weeks of consistency.

Step two: Pick a new thing to focus on, and repeat the process in step one.

Step three: repeat step two, etc.

I think you get the point. You need to start small. Pick the one thing that you feel is a big step, but is attainable. Once you have changed that habit, you will find that you can continue down the road to a healthier you.

~ Cathi