Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In need of some parenting advice

We have a 4-year old daughter, named Kassandra. Kassandra has been a challenge since she was probably 6 months old. The biggest challenge we have yet to tackle is putting things in her mouth. Yes, she is really 4. Yes, she really does still put things in her mouth. Now that we have that cleared up, I need some ideas. We have tried giving her lemon juice, hot sauce, or vinegar when she puts something in her mouth that does not belong there. She will still chew on toys, destroy bouncy balls, eat crayons and markers, along with a variety of other things. Before today I had called poison control three times for things she had eaten. Today I called them two more times. It seems that we have bad days and good days, like any child I suppose. Obviously the putting "nasty stuff" in her mouth is not getting the point across. We have sent her to bed, put her in time out, and spanked (I know this is controversial). So, any ideas that you may have are greatly appreciated! We have always watched her closely, but watching her 24 hours a day is not possible. Do you have any great thoughts to share? If so, please reply! I welcome your thoughts and ideas.

~ Cathi ~

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