Thursday, November 8, 2012

Commit to Being Fit

As I spend a week in Haiti with my tichouchou (Sweetheart/husband), I have noticed how odd exercise seems to other cultures. Cultures such as Haiti are active cultures with a lot of manual labor. Here I sit in an air-conditioned tent, writing about physical fitness. My husband has ventured out on a run twice since we arrived, and I hope to join him Saturday. We have been doing a lot of walking. We heard from the locals and the missionaries here that Haitians find running a strange task. They do not understand the concept of exercise. Perhaps if we could create an active lifestyle for ourselves, we would not have to do the mundane task of running ___ miles. While some of us enjoy running and live for the thrill of the improved time or longer distance, others hate it. I fall somewhere in the middle. As I wrote last time, I mentioned that we have to develop a schedule to stay fit. We have to include exercise in our schedule throughout the holidays. Nobody likes to get on the scale in January and realize they now have even more weight to lose. So, make this year different. Set your mind to it now! Choose to be different than the average American. You do not have to be a health nut, just health conscious. By exercising regularly throughout the holidays, you will feel more energetic, be less likely to end up sick, and avoid gaining weight. So, commit to being fit! Make your resolution now instead of after you have created a problem. By doing this, you can be a step ahead of everyone else in January...your New Year's Resolution can be something worthwhile since you will be healthier anyway. When you commit, make sure you have an accountability partner...someone who can exercise with you (whether in the same state or not). For a while my sister and I ran "together"...she in one state and me in another. When we finished our run we would let each other know how far we had gone and how quickly we finished. Our goal was to run a 10K together. Make a goal like that with a friend or family member, and the excuse to see each other will help motivate you! As always, comment with feedback or questions. Thanks for checking in!

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