Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas break, here I come!

This week has been chaos! I would choose a less dramatic word, but it just really wouldn't quite sum it up so well. I am working hard to get everything ready to go for our long drive north Saturday. We leave in 31 hours 2 AM - whippee!! So, I am plugging away tonight, attempting to finish laundry, finish homework, and prep the kids school for tomorrow. I decided I need some down time though so I am looking forward to starting that within the next hour.

As of Saturday, at 2 AM, we will officially be on Christmas break - not vacation, but Christmas break. I don't consider it vacation when you are driving for 18-20 hours straight! Once we get there, we can enjoy our time with family that we don't see nearly often enough. From there we head to Chicago on Christmas Eve. Our typical traditions are all out the window for this year. However, it may be the last year we have the luxury of being able to afford this trip, so we'll take it while we can.

We're hoping for snow, but we'll see if we get any. In previous trips north for the Christmas season, we've literally been snowed in at my sister's house. The kids enjoyed riding the snowmobiles with their uncle, and we enjoyed a couple "free" days off!

So, off to work I go finish so many things. I don't anticipate much sleep tonight because tomorrow is going to have to be an EARLY morning if I'm going to get everything accomplished that needs to be. Merry Christmas to all of you! Enjoy every last minute of it!

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